What Is Soxhlet Extractor?

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What Is Soxhlet Extractor?

Soxhlet extraction, also known as continuous extraction, Soxhlet extraction is a technique for extracting chemicals from solids. For the determination of crude fat content, a soxhlet extraction is used. Fat can be found in large quantities in the seeds and fruits of many plants. Fat content can be used as a criterion for determining the quality of a product. The extraction procedure is now widely employed both at home and abroad. The Soxhlet extractor method is a well-known traditional method for grain and oil analysis in China, and it is the chosen standard method. This method takes a long time and is often extracted in a laboratory using a fat extractor (Soxhlet extractor).

Source: ResearchGate.com

The solid matter can be extracted by a pure solvent every time utilising the solvent reflux and syphon method, resulting in a high extraction efficiency. To maximise the area of liquid immersion, the solid material should be finely ground before extraction. The solid material is subsequently placed in an extraction chamber in a filter paper holder. Assemble the device as directed. The vapour rises through the air tube and is condensed into a liquid that drips into the extractor when the solvent is heated to boiling. Siphoning occurs when the liquid level rises over the siphon’s highest point, and the solution is refluxed into the flask, allowing a portion of the substance dissolved in the solvent to be extracted. Solvent reflux and syphoning are employed to enhance soluble materials in the solid into the flask in this manner.

Since the extract of the organic solvent contains more or less fats such as free fatty acids, sterols, phospholipids, waxes, and pigments, the results of the Soxhlet extraction method can only be crude fat.



Food Research Lab
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