Weight Gain milk powder



General health and wellness


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The Challenge

What Our client required?

Assignment: Formulation of a ready to mix weight gain milk powder with the added vitamins.This case study focuses on the following:

  • Formulation of a ready to mix powder 
  • Addition of vitamin B complex to the product 


  • Sensory profile of the product:  The product should have good sensory properties owing to its flavour and sugar content. 
  • Regulation levels: The quantity of the B vitamins added to the product must be within the regulatory recommendations.  
  • Moisture absorption: The product got solidified quickly due to moisture absorption. 

What did we do?


  • Sensory profile of the product: The sensory profile was optimized by changing the levels of the flavour added and the sugar content. 
  • Regulation levels: The vitamin B complex was added based on the regulation without affecting the cost parameters of the product.
  • Shelf-life extension: By replacing proper packaging materials and addition of anti-caking agents.


  • Customer Focused – Vitamin enriched, weight gain formula for children and adults.  
  • Proteinrich 


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