Ready To Eat Nutritional Bar



High protein , high fibre


We redefined fast-casual loyalty

The Challenge

What Our client required?

  Ready-to-eat nutritional bar with a shelf life of 6 months.  

Assignment: Formulation of a ready-to-eat nutritional bar rich in protein and prepared using whole grains.


  • Sensory profile of the nutritional bar: The mouthfeel would not be pleasant since it was prepared from whole grains.  
  • Storage: The product should be stored in air-tight containers to prevent moisture absorption that could affect the product’s shelf life and sensory properties. 
  • Nutrition: The product should meet the required nutritional status 

What did we do?

Nutritional bar


  • The sensory aspect of the product: Essences and sweetening agents were used to mask the taste of the grains.  
  • Packaging: Need to work on the packaging to act as a barrier from moisture absorption.  
  • Nutritional evaluation: The nutritional profile met the client’s expectations and proved to be healthy food. 


  • Customer Focused – Ingredients (enriched raw material), nutrients, protein-rich and fibre-rich   
  • Evaluation of the shelf life and nutritional analysis 


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