Ready To Cook Millet Food



High satiety, high fibre


We redefined fast-casual loyalty

The Challenge

What Our client required?

Assignment: The client required ready to eat millet upma mix with no preservatives.

This case study focuses on:

  • Formulation of the ready to eat millet upma with has good sensory properties
  • To cook the in 3 minutes


  • Sensory profile of the product: The combination of millets along with the proper ratio of seasoning and vegetables this can be altered
  • Pre-gelatinisation – The pre-gelatinisation to be done at proper time and temperature
  • Nutrition: The product should meet the required nutritional status

What did we do?


  • Sensory profile of the product: The combination of millets along with the proper ratio of seasoning and vegetables this can be altered
  • Pre-gelatinisation – the millets used are pre-gelatinised at a particular time and temperature range so that it can be cooked easily and quickly making it the best ready to cook millet mix on the go
  • Nutritional evaluation: The nutritional evaluation meet the client expectation and was proved to be a healthy food.


  • Customer Focused – Ingredient (Enriched Raw material), Nutrients, millet rich
  • Evaluation of shelf stability, microbiology, nutrition Analyses, Sensory Testing and more.


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