Cold pressed fruit juice 



Hospitality and leisure


We redefined fast-casual loyalty

What Our client required?   

 Assignment:  The client required the formulation of cold-pressed fruit juice.

This case study focuses on the following: 

  • This study aims to develop the cold pressed fruit juice.
  • Formulation of cold-pressed juice with good sensory properties.

What did we do?   


  • Fruit juices tend to form residues due to fruit pulp. The residues, also called sediments, affect the sensory properties of the product.
  • The product should have an adequate shelf life while being minimally processed.

What did we do?

cold pressed fruit juice
cold pressed fruit juice


  • Mesh filters were used to remove residues. Filtration ensures the product appears homogeneous.
  • Various methods for processing and storage were used to improve the shelf life of the product.


  • The product meets the client’s requirement of the formulation of minimally processed cold-pressed juice with natural ingredients.
  • The product was evaluated for sensory profile and shelf life.



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