Whey Protein Shots


Ready To Drink

Whey Protein Shots


We redefined fast-casual loyalty

The Challenge

What Our client required?


The client requested a product called whey protein shots with a protein content of 15 to 20g in a 60ml sample. 

The ready-to-drink whey protein shots with the specified protein content focus on the following: 

  • To formulate a product with an acceptable flavour and taste, and 
  • Making the product shelf-stable for 5-6 months. 


  • Taste: Since the whey protein has an off-flavour and bland taste, the challenge was to mask the flavour.  
  • Stability: The major problem was stability since the client wanted a shelf-life of at least 5-6 months.   

What did we do?


  • Taste and Flavour: Taste enhancers, flavours and sweeteners can be included in the formulation to hide the off flavour and bland taste. 
  • Stability: The product, primarily made of whey protein isolate, was stabilized using pH buffering agents and optimizing the process parameters such as pasteurization time and temperature 60-70°C. 


  • Customer Focused – Ingredients (enriched raw material), nutrients, protein-rich ready to drink 
  • Evaluation of the shelf life and nutritional analysis  


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