Breakfast cereals


Ready To Eat

Breakfast cereals


We redefined fast-casual loyalty

The Challenge

What Our client required?


Formulation of breakfast cereals and optimising the processing parameters. This case study focuses on the following: 

  • Formulation of breakfast cereals – The selection and quantification of the ingredients based on a pilot scale trial. 
  • Texture – The crispiness and taste of the breakfast cereal should be maintained. 
  • Packaging material – Air tight and nitrogen sealed packaging must be done. 
  • Sweetness – The quantity of sugar in the coated product should be finalised. 

What did we do?


  • Formulation of breakfast cereals – After the ingredients were finalised based on ingredient and market research, the proportion of ingredients to be added was based on the output of the product.  
  • Texture – The specific ingredients contributing to the texture must be identified to get a crispy and crunchy texture. While concentrating on the texture, the binding and adhesiveness should also be considered to keep the extruded product intact and not crumble. 
  • Packaging material – An air tight packaging must be finalized, and the material must be thick enough to preserve the product’s sensory properties. 
  • Sweetness – Since sugar must be added to the product’s outer layer, its quantity should be finalised based on sensory aspects. 
  • Quantity of ingredients to be used – Since the product can be processed in an extruder, a large quantity of ingredients must be added to get the best results in the final product.  

What did we do?



  • Texture – The texture of the product was based on the ingredients. After varying the quantity of the ingredients in each trial and sensory analysis, the quantity of the ingredients was finalised.   
  • Packaging – Proper packaging material should be selected to preserve and retain the textural and sensory properties of the final product. 
  • Sweetness – The quantity of sugar added was based on different trials using varying proportions to finalise the quantity of sugar in the final product.  


  • The product developed is plant based, suitable for those who follow a vegan diet. 
  • Both adults and children can consume the product during breakfast since it meets the nutritional requirements. 
  • It is also a healthier alternative since the product was extruded by heat and not fried. 


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