Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Eating Organic

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Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Eating Organic

Organic products lower public health risks to farm employees, their families, and customers by reducing their exposure to harmful and persistent chemicals on the farm and in food, as well as the soil in which they work and play, the air they breathe, and the water they drink. Pesticides are especially dangerous to children. As a result, introducing organic food and fibre goods into the market allows parents the choice of selecting items made without the use of harmful poisons.

Not only does organic agriculture assist reduce public health hazards, but accumulating data reveals that organically cultivated foods are rich in nutrients such as Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus, with reduced exposure to nitrates and pesticide residues when compared to conventionally grown items.

  • Pesticides are less prevalent in organic vegetables.
  • Organic food is frequently fresher because it does not contain preservatives that extend its shelf life.
  • Organic farming is generally beneficial for the environment.
  • Antibiotics, growth hormones, or animal byproducts are not provided to organically bred animals.

Food Research Lab is a leading innovator in organic food and beverage product development. A majority of our clients require food product development that involves only organic food ingredients. Though its difficult to trace each and every element of the food productand identify its organic quality, Food Research Lab’s expert professionals study and analyse before purchasing ingredients thereby ensuring quality and safety.

Food Research Lab
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