Plant-based proteins

Food Research Lab > Insights  > What Science Can Do  > Plant-based proteins

Plant-based proteins

There is a large population that likes to follow vegan or vegetarian diet either due to a personal choice, diet, to cure sick people, or religious beliefs. Although they are highly nutritious, the plant-based diet does not provide as much protein as is available from meat and meat products. There are of course some plants that top the ranks the top in terms of protein availability.

  • Lentils (18 g of Protein/ Cup): Lowering Cholesterol and stabilizing blood sugar
  • Chickpeas (14 g of Protein/ Cup): Benefits digestion and supports blood sugar control
  • Nuts ((10 to 12g of Protein/ Cup): Aids in weightloss and reduces inflammation
  • Quinoa (8g of Protein/ Cup): Good for celiac patients as it is gluten-free.
  • Black Beans (10g of Protein/ Cup): Managing diabetes and preventing cancer
  • Peanut Butter (7g of Protein/ 2 tbsp): Improves blood sugar, and blood pressure levels.  
  • Tempeh (30 g of protein/ Cup): Promote bone health and insulin resistance.
  • Almonds (33g of protein/ Cup): Lowering cholesterol level and weight loss.
  •  Mycoprotein products (26 g of protein/Cup): Promotes muscle synthesis, control glucose levels
  • Chia Seeds (2 g of protein/ tbsp): Reducing heart diseases and weight management.
Food Research Lab
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