Nutritional analysis assists you in gathering the data you’ll need to develop your product’s nutrition label. Almost all countries require dietary labels or nutrition facts labels, and in the United States, the FDA governs all these activities. Consumers can make more educated food and beverage choices if nutritional information is transparent and reliable.

Food and Nutritional Analysis

Interesting News  August 08, 2022

Nutritional analysis assists you in gathering the data you’ll need to develop your product’s nutrition label. Almost all countries require dietary labels or nutrition facts labels, and in the United States, the FDA governs all these activities. Consumers can make more educated food and beverage choices if nutritional information is transparent and reliable.

Methods For Nutritional Value Testing

There are two methods for nutritional value testing. The first is to look up the nutritional values of your components in a database. The overall nutritional value of your final product is then calculated using your recipe or formulation, as well as information regarding processing losses or gains. Depending on your raw materials and manufacturing procedures, this process might be time-consuming and challenging.

The second nutritional analysis testing for determining the nutritional content of food and beverage products is to do physical testing in a laboratory.

The objective of both techniques is to acquire precise nutritional data so that you and your clients may make informed decisions based on actual nutrient content.

Food Research Lab offers an experienced team of nutritionists, food scientists, and technologists that work with food and beverage companies to design, regulate, and validate healthy meals and health claims. We also have linked up with nutrition testing companies across the globe for precise calculations. We are fully skilled to assist you with all fundamentals of nutritional strategy, including the Glycemic Index (GI), weight control and satiety studies, and nutritional science.

Food and Nutritional Analysis-FRL