An ischemic stroke happens when blood flow to a portion of the brain is cut off or decreased, preventing brain tissue from receiving oxygen and nutrients. Brain cells start to die within minutes. A stroke is a medical emergency that must be treated as soon as possible. It may be more difficult to obtain all of the nutrients you require after a stroke. A healthy diet can enhance your health and lower your chances of having another stroke.
After a stroke, eating healthy is critical to rehabilitation. Choosing healthy foods can help control blood pressure and body weight, reduce the risk of another stroke, and may help with the demands of stroke therapy and other daily activities.
Food application:
Every day, eat a variety of healthful meals from various varieties and colours of vegetables, as well as legumes beans, Fruit, grain (cereal) meals that are largely wholegrain and high in fibre. Fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, seeds, lentils, and beans are all good sources of lean meats and poultry. Milk, yoghurt, cheese, and their low-fat variants. Drink plenty of water as well. Limit your consumption of foods high in saturated fat, salt, and sugar. These are a few suggestions of foods to eat as per the USDA Guidelines. Saturated fat boosts cholesterol, which increases a person’s risk of stroke. The National Library of Medicine suggests that you consume no more than 10 per cent of your daily calories from saturated fat.
A diet rich in vegetables and fruits and low in salt is recommended. This reduces fatty deposits in the arteries, which can create blockages, as well as the risk of burst vessels that high blood pressure brings. Blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels should be examined on a regular basis, and any related problems should be addressed in collaboration with a healthcare provider. It is equally crucial to recognize stroke’s early warning signals in order to avoid disability or death. It is advised to exercise to prevent stroke with proper diet plans.