Defects of Low Carb Diets

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Defects of Low Carb Diets

According to a major study, a low carbohydrate diet increases the risk of early death and mortality from various chronic diseases. As a result, scientists advise dieters to stay away from low-carb diets.

According to the latest estimates, up to 45 million individuals in the United States go on a diet each year.

Individuals in the United States are also spending approximately $33 billion on weight-loss products each year.

There are several diets available to two-thirds of the population who are overweight or obese. The fads are numerous, ranging from low-fat to high-fat, keto diets to intermittent fasting — but what are the repercussions for our health?

Why should low-carb diets be avoided?

Overall, individuals who ingested the fewest carbohydrates were 32 per cent more likely to die prematurely from any cause, according to the study based on survey data. This was in comparison to those who consumed the most carbohydrates.

Low-carbohydrate eaters were also 51% more likely to die of coronary heart disease, 50% more likely to die of cerebrovascular illness, and 35% more likely to die of cancer. The most vital links were seen among older, non-obese persons.


However, Low-carbohydrate diets may help people lose weight, lower blood pressure, and improve blood glucose control in the short term. We have developed low carb rice for one of our clients at the Food Research Lab, focusing on weight loss. So for short term purposes, it produces effective results. Food Research Lab is a  global Contract R&D Food, Beverages & Nutraceutical Lab providing solutions to Food, Beverages and Nutraceuticals (F, B&N) industries worldwide.  

Food Research Lab
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