Antimicrobial Bio-Nano Composite Food Packaging

Food Research Lab > Insights  > What Science Can Do  > Antimicrobial Bio-Nano Composite Food Packaging

Antimicrobial Bio-Nano Composite Food Packaging

Bio-nanocomposites are bio-based polymers made up of two main components: a matrix termed biopolymer (continuous phase) and a reinforcing agent (dispersed phase) with dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nm. These include typical properties including flexibility, biocompatibility, biodegradability, eco-friendliness, and cost-effectiveness, which can be strengthened further by the reinforcing components.

Fig.1. Bio-nanocomposites for food packaging applications (

Nanotechnology is concerned with the characterisation, manufacturing, and manipulation of biological and nonbiological entities with dimensions of less than 100 nanometers. The functional features of structures on this scale have been demonstrated to be distinct and original. Consequently, interest and activities in this research area have greatly increased over the past years. Nanotechnology, according to the National Nanotechnology Initiative, is the study and management of matter with dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena allow for novel applications. Nanotechnology involves viewing, measuring, modelling, and manipulating matter at this length scale, and it encompasses nanoscale science, engineering, and technology.Nanotechnology recently introduced in the food packaging industry can potentially provide solutions tofood packaging challenges such as short shelf life. Food packaging materials generated from nanotechnology are the most common type of nanotechnology use in the food industry today.


Food Research Lab
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