The Food Products Legislative Framework in Europe
The European Legislative Framework for Food Products
The European Union (EU) has established a comprehensive regulatory framework to ensure food safety and nutrition. The primary legislation governing food in the EU is Regulation EC No 178 of 2002, also known as the General Food Law. This regulation encompasses the general principles and requirements of food law, including traceability, risk analysis, and transparency.
- In addition to the General Food Law, several other regulations and directives cover specific aspects of food production, labelling, and marketing. For example, Regulation (EU) No. 1169/2011 on the provision of food information to consumers sets out the rules on mandatory labelling requirements for food products sold in the EU.
- The EU also has legislation to protect public health by regulating food additives, contaminants, and pesticides. For instance, EC Regulation No 396 of 2005 sets maximum residue limits for pesticides in food, while EC Regulation No 1333 of 2008 establishes a list of permitted food additives.
- Furthermore, the EU has specific legislation to ensure the safety of food imported from non-EU countries. The regulations for official controls and other official activities are outlined in Regulation (EU) 2017/625 on official controls. These regulations ensure that the laws governing food and feed, animal health and welfare, plant health, and plant protection products are applied [1].
The EU’s regulatory framework on food ensures that food products sold in the EU are safe, nutritious, and accurately labelled.