Tesco Creamfields Grated Cheddar cheese recalled since it might contain small plastic pieces

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Tesco Creamfields Grated Cheddar cheese recalled since it might contain small plastic pieces

Products Recalled: 500g Creamfields Grated Cheddar Packet, with a ‘Use-by’ date of March 23, 2023. 


  • Tesco has recalled Creamfields grated cheddar cheese from the sale. Customers have also received a recall notification from the business.  
  • In these warnings, customers are informed of the reason behind this recall and what to do if they have already purchased it. 
  • Customers were instructed not to consume the product and return it to the stores instead, where they would be given a full refund. 
  • If a food product has an issue that renders it unsafe to sell, it may be “withdrawn” (taken from the shelf) or “recalled” (when buyers are asked to return the product). The Food Safety Authority (FSA) provides Product Withdrawal Information Notices and Product Recall Information Notices to warn users and local authorities about food safety risks.  
  • A “Food Alert for Action” may be published occasionally, which provides local governments with information on the specific activities that need to be taken on behalf of consumers [1]. 

Scientific Evidence:  

  • The recall of cheese products has been attributed to the presence of foreign objects. Plastic pieces in food may be classified as a physical hazard. They can cause injuries like oral laceration or injure the inner lining of the digestive tract. They may also obstruct breathing. Surgery may be advised to remove the pieces in severe cases. 
  • X-rays have been used as a traditional method for detecting foreign objects in food, like metal, bone, and plastic.  
  • Advances have been made in detecting foreign objects in cheese products more accurately, like the microwave sensing technique [2].  

What Regulations Clarifies: 

  • Food safety management practices must be implemented based on the Hazard Analysis at Critical Control Points (HACCP). 
  • HACCP helps food industries and businesses identify potential food hazards and initiate measures to ensure they are removed or reduced to a level within the maximum limit.  
  • The food businesses must be trained in food safety and hygiene that ensures safe business practices.  
  • If there is a need for a product recall, the local authorities should be informed about it [3]. 
Food Research Lab
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