Statement from FDA of Recall products containing Ethylene oxide

Interesting News  December 07, 2022

Products Recalled:


Lucky me! Certain batches of Instant Pancit Canton noodles have been recalled because of ethylene oxide [1]. This was started immediately once the FDA was informed about it. 


On July 7, 2022, a batch of Lucky Me! Instant Pancit Canton noodles were recalled. Ethylene oxide is allowed to a certain level since it is been utilized for sterilization of fruits and vegetables. The EU forbids the use of ethylene oxide in food to safeguard consumer safety [2]. 

Scientific Evidence:

  • Acute inhalation exposure of workers to high levels of ethylene oxide has resulted in nausea, vomiting, neurological disorders, bronchitis, pulmonary edema, and emphysema. 
  • Reproductive/Developmental Effects 
  • Cancer Risk 
Recall products containing Ethylene oxide-FRL

What Regulations Clarifies:

  • FDA has issued limits for the direct usage additives  
  • ETO has been widely utilized recently for the cold sterilization of medical supplies and equipment, for the prevention of food and spice deterioration, and for the management of illnesses in honeycombs and beekeeping equipment. 
  • One or more of the following compounds make up the chemicals: ethylene oxide No more than 3 ppm.