Pams brand Alfalfa Sprouts, Salad Sprouts, Sandwich Selection Sprouts, and Spicy Sprouts Combo with USE BY 04 11 2022 distributed at Pak’n Save, New World, and Four Square stores throughout the North Island [1].
On 26 October 2022, Pams brand sprout products were recalled for the possible presence of salmonella contamination.
Scientific Evidence:
One of the Public Health concerns is antimicrobial resistance, and Salmonella is one of the bacteria wherein some resistant serotypes have developed.
Salmonellosis is associated with the consumption of Salmonella-contaminated food products, mostly from poultry, pork and egg fruits, sprouts, and other vegetables
Salmonella illness can be severe. Symptoms commence from 6 hours to 6 days after infection. They include bloody diarrhoea, fever, and stomach ache. Most people return to normal within 4 to 7 days without needing antibiotics. However, some individuals with severe diarrhoea may require hospitalisation or antibiotic treatment.
What Regulations Clarifies:
The FDA’s FSMA produce safety rule and four additional requirements relating to growing sprouts must be followed by anyone cultivating sprouts for retail sale. They are as follows:
Preventing germs from growing on seeds.
Testing the irrigation water that sprouts had drained from.
Testing for Listeria monocytogenes in the sprout production facilities (growing, harvesting, packing, and holding).
Corrective measures must be taken if any test yields a positive reading to prevent the release and sale of contaminated sprouts. [2].