Recall of Yeast cubes due to the presence of foreign matter contamination

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Recall of Yeast cubes due to the presence of foreign matter contamination

Products Recalled:

 Fresh yeast in cubes (42g) from the BIOREAL brand [1]. 


  • Fresh yeast cubes (42g) from the BIOREAL brand are recalled by the FASFC from 16-11-2022. 
  • Due to the potential presence of microscopic metal fragments, this recall was prompted by a signal sent via the RASFF system (European Food and Feed Rapid Alert System). 
  • The AFSCA requests that you return this item to the retailer rather than using it. 

Scientific Evidence:  

Ingesting metal fragments may be injurious to the consumer. Dental damage, mouth and throat laceration, or laceration or perforation of the intestine are some examples of the injury.  

Product Image:What Regulations Clarifies: 

The following guidance will also assist you in determining whether a processing step is a critical control point (CCP) for metal inclusion

  • One can decide if a step involved in processing is a critical control point (CCP) for inclusion of metal by using the following advice. 
  • The product be run through a metal detector or a separation device, such as a screen, magnet, or flotation tank, on or after the last step 
  • Set Critical Limits. 
  • Establish Monitoring Procedures
  • Establish Corrective Action Procedures.
  • Establish a Recordkeeping System.
  • Establish Verification Procedures [2].

Food Research Lab
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