Recall of Uninspected Pizza

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Recall of Uninspected Pizza

Recall of Uninspected Pizza

Products Recalled: 

The frozen pepperoni pizza of 12 inches and 16 inches with UPC code 9589334921 and UPC code 9589339019 were the products recalled. The 12-inch pizza weighed 942.3 gms, and 16 inches pizza weighed 1.615 kg

Problem: The products were recalled as they were not inspected under the federal law of USDAs(US department of agriculture ) food safety inspection and hence was not having the mark of approval. This problem was identified during the regular FSIS surveillance. The products that have not undergone federal inspections can cause various issues that can put consumers’ safety at risk.

Scientific Evidence: The food products before supply in the market should undergo the necessary testing and labelling regularities as per the FDA and USDA and get approval so as to provide safe and hygienic products to the customers.

What does the regulation clarify: Frozen baguette pizza is prepared according to the following requirements of Good manufacturing practices (21 CFR Part 110). The frozen packed pizza should adhere to the regulations 7 CFR Parts 210,220, 225, 226, and Appendices A and C, which indicates the labelling regulations to be followed under and if cheese, chicken, pork or sausages are used as toppings, the regulations will further add on to it regarding this.


Food Research Lab
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