Recall of chai concentrate due to potential microbial contamination

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Recall of chai concentrate due to potential microbial contamination

Products Recalled:

The Chai Box, an Atlanta, Georgia-based manufacturer of chai concentrate, has issued a recall for 16 oz. glass bottles of Chai Concentrate Mix, UPC 7 93611 81925. Unsweetened Chai Concentrate Mix is available in two and 64 oz plastic bottles (UPC 7 93611 81926), nine and 16 oz glass bottles (UPC 793611819252), and 64 oz plastic bottles (UPC 793611819269)[1] .


The company announced a recall on September 29, 2022, and released the reason for the recall, as the potential processing may lead to Clostridium botulinum contamination. These errors occurred during the commercial sterilizing process and might cause contamination by pathogens or rotting organisms, which, if consumed, could result in life-threatening sickness.    

Scientific Evidence:  

A toxin that assaults the body’s nerves and causes botulism, also pronounced “BOT-choo-liz-um,” is an uncommon but deadly sickness that can result in difficulty breathing, muscular paralysis, and even death. This toxin is occasionally produced by the microorganisms Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium butyricum, and Clostridium barati 

Product Image:

What Regulations Clarifies: 

  • Nearly 35°C is the ideal temperature for proteolytic strains to develop and produce toxins; 26–28°C is the perfect temperature for nonproteolytic bacteria. At freezing (3–4°C), the nonproteolytic types B, E, and F can generate toxins.  
  • The most popular technique for destruction is heat processing. Foods that have been adequately prepared and canned won’t have live C. botulinum. [2] 




Food Research Lab
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