Murray River Smokehouse Pty Ltd has issued a recall for its product found to have salmonella contamination. 

Food Research Lab > Insights  > recall  > Murray River Smokehouse Pty Ltd has issued a recall for its product found to have salmonella contamination. 

Murray River Smokehouse Pty Ltd has issued a recall for its product found to have salmonella contamination. 

Products Recalled:

Murray River Smokehouse Salami Mild 180g, Murray River Smokehouse Salami Pepper 180g   Batch Code 199 Best Before 25FEB2023, Batch Code 202 Best Before 06MAR2023 [1].


The recall is due to microbial (Salmonella) contamination. The products have been for sale at Harris Farm Markets, Thyme to Taste, Uncles Small Goods, Goldfields Grocers, and Milawa Cheese in NSW and Victoria.  

Scientific Evidence:  

  • Salmonellosis disease occurs related to the consumption of contaminated food and food products not cooked well, like seafood, egg, poultry, milk, beef, pork and non-washed raw vegetables and fruits. 
  • Salmonellosis causes many clinical symptoms in humans, grading from acute diarrhoea, abdominal cramp, and vomiting and may localize in the bowel to irritate the gut. It can also cause systemic infection by the migration of bacteria to the blood, causing septicemia. 

Product Image:

What Regulations Clarifies: 

  • Potentially effective preventative measures By Codex, good hygiene practices (GHP)-based and hazards-based guidelines are released. 
  • Codex also advises the prevention of Salmonella contamination in beef and pork meat from the point of primary production till consumption should use the principles of food safety risk analysis whenever practical and suitable. Competent authorities should develop risk management metrics wherever it is feasible to represent the level of control of Salmonella in beef and hog meat necessary to achieve public health objectives. 
  • The risk management framework (RMF) concept is promoted in Principles and Guidelines for the Conduct of Microbiological Risk Management (MRM) (CAC/GL 63-2007). 

Food Research Lab
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