Fishy Fish Pie and Chicken and Turkey Casserole recalled because they may contain pieces of plastic.
Fishy Fish Pie and Chicken and Turkey Casserole recalled because they may contain pieces of plastic.
Products Recalled:
A batch of Fishy Fish Pie and Chicken and Turkey Casserole, available in 400g cans, with batch numbers 1028F and 1032F, respectively.
- On May 11, 2023, a batch of Fishy Fish Pie and Chicken and Turkey Casserole was recalled by Lily’s Kitchen since they may contain plastic pieces.
- The presence of plastic makes the products unfit for consumption by pets and poses a choking hazard. A product recall notice has been issued that explains the reason for the product recall and what should be done if the product has already been purchased [1].
Scientific Evidence:
- Physical hazards include various substances, including glass, metal, plastic, wood, and stones. Physical contamination can occur throughout the production process, including the receiving dock for ingredients and supplies.
- Physical hazards are roughly divided into “hard/sharp” and “choking” hazards that result in laceration of the mouth or throat, dental damage, laceration or perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, and choking. Gastrointestinal perforation and choking can be life-threatening.
- A hazard analysis must be performed to detect and assess known or reasonably expected physical hazards (such as stones, glass, and metal particles).
- If the hazard analysis has detected a known or reasonably anticipated physical danger that necessitates preventive control, then the control must be identified and implemented [2].
What Regulations Clarifies:
- Regulations are implemented to prevent contamination of the food products.
- HACCP should be implemented and then monitored to build a hazard control strategy.
- There are numerous potential processes or intrinsic approaches that can be used during the preparation of food items to manage foreign material.
- These will vary widely depending on the product being manufactured, but many process controls can be customised to control some of the hazards associated with most processes successfully.
- A wash or spray phase may be used in some operations to remove foreign elements from produce, ingredients, or other items. This fundamental stage can remove objects from fields or foreign materials as ingredients or products enter a food process [3].