Marks & Spencer has recalled their M&S Belgian Dark Chocolate Bar due to undeclared milk

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Dark chocolate bar

Marks & Spencer has recalled their M&S Belgian Dark Chocolate Bar due to undeclared milk

Products Recalled: Dark Chocolate Bar


  • M&S Belgian Dark Chocolate Bars, weighing 180 grams, have been recalled by Marks & Spencer as certain boxes may contain milk that isn’t disclosed on the label. This indicates that anyone allergic or sensitive to milk or its components may have health problems from consuming the product. 
  • The company has contacted relevant allergy support organisations, who will inform their members regarding the product recall. 
  • In addition, a point of notice has been issued informing consumers why the Belgian Dark Chocolate has been recalled and what measures should be taken if the product has already been purchased [1]. 

Scientific Evidence:  

  • Cow’s Milk Allergy (CMA) is among the earliest allergies and is very common in developed countries.  
  • When the body’s immune system incorrectly responds to proteins present in cow’s milk, milk allergy (CMA) results. CMA affects 2% to 4% of infants and early children in the UK, most outgrowing it by age 5.   
  • Cow’s milk contains lactose, a naturally occurring sugar that can trigger problems in certain people. Lactose intolerance and a cow’s milk allergy manifest differently. However, the common symptoms include bloating, flatulence, diarrhoea, and discomfort [2].   

What Regulations Clarifies: 

  • Food businesses must specify any of the 14 known allergens in the food. The allergens include- celery, gluten-containing cereals (like barley and wheat), crustaceans (like prawns and lobsters), eggs, fish, milk, lupin, molluscs (like oysters), sulphur dioxide and sulphites, peanuts, sesame, mustard, tree nuts (like hazelnuts and almonds)  and soybeans.   
  • The allergen must be specified in bold font; if an allergen-derived product is used, it must be specified within parentheses—for example- Tofu (soya) [3]. 
Food Research Lab
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