On September 21, 2022, the ready-to-eat chilli cheese wieners were manufactured. 15-oz. vacuum-packed cartons of “Our Local SMOKEHOUSE Chili Cheese flavoured Wieners” having an expiration date of January 19, 2023. On the labels, the establishment number “695SEWI” is printed inside the USDA mark of inspection. These products were sent to a Family Fare store in Cannon Falls, Minnesota, where three packages of wieners were sold.(1)
Problem: The Food Safety and Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture has give out a public health alert because Family Fare, a Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin firm, manufactured ready-to-eat chilli cheese wieners that may be adulterated with Listeria monocytogenes. A recall was not sought since the items are suspected to be out of stock.
Scientific Evidence: Consumption of food contaminated with L.monocytogenes can result in listeriosis, a dangerous infection that mostly affects elderly people, those with compromised immune systems, pregnant women, and their babies. People who are not in these risk groups are impacted less frequently.
Fever, muscular pains, headache, stiff neck, disorientation, loss of balance, and convulsions are all signs of listeriosis, which is sometimes accompanied by diarrhoea or other gastrointestinal symptoms. Invasive infections extend outside the digestive tract. The infection in pregnant women can result in miscarriages, stillbirths, preterm delivery, or a life-threatening illness of the baby. Furthermore, dangerous and often deadly infections can arise in older individuals and others with compromised immune systems. Antibiotics are used to treat listeriosis. Individuals in the higher-risk categories who develop flu-like symptoms within two months of ingesting contaminated food should seek medical care and update their doctor.
What does regulation clarify:
According to the Act, 21 U.S.C. 342(a)(1), the food item was adulterated when it was first introduced into and while it was in interstate commerce, and it is still adulterated while it is being held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce. This is because it carries and contains Listeria monocytogenes, a poisonous or harmful substance that could cause harm to human health.
The food item is subject to refusal of admission under section 801(a)(3) of the FD&C Act because it appears to be adulterated under the definition of section 402(a)(1) of the FD&C Act because it bears and contains Listeria monocytogenes, a poisonous or deleterious substance that may cause harm to human health.
How pepgra’s FRL can help
Listeria monocytogenes-contaminated food may not seem or smell rotten, yet it can still result in severe illnesses that can even be fatal. It can take up to Seventy days after Listeria exposure for listeriosis symptoms to manifest. Therefore, anybody who has consumed any items and had these symptoms should visit a doctor. We help you understand the technologies and maintain quality through experts’ guidance on annual audits on such safety matters and choosing the materials of your requirement at the right cost. Especially we help you develop a clean and safe way to develop products without causing risk to the consumers.(2)