The Food Research Lab mimics commercial food and beverage giants and formulates food, snacks, flavoured beverages, chews, gummies, etc. “You name it, we make it.”


Flavoured  Mineral Water 


We redefined fast-casual loyalty

Today’s Task

What We did Today?

Flavoured Mineral water 

Event:I planned on working on flavoured mineral water today

How I felt it (initially before executing the actual task): Formulating innovative products gives me a new learning experience.  

Actual Task:Product formulation 


What did I learn?

Flavoured mineral water is an innovative product with great potential to revolutionise the market segment. It is a blend of minerals and natural flavours. Since it contains minerals and 100% natural flavours, it is an excellent alternative to regular drinking water. The product is tasty, and the flavours infused in water make it a great thirst quencher. While formulating flavoured mineral water, flavour infusion is one of the most challenging parts since the product should have i.e.100 % natural flavour and be thirst-quenching. The product was formulated to have mineral water-like properties whose flavour was optimised by varying flavour concentrations. Then its stored at ambient temperature for shelf life analysis. 


What I did Today

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Outcome :

The Food Research Lab formulated flavoured mineral water suitable for people who want to try products other than plain water for hydration. 


What went well?

The product turned out well since it was formulated after lab trials, but we want to conduct further trials to enhance the flavour. 

What Could I have done better?

 I should have carried out a better formulation as a next step with improved flavour. 


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