The Food Research Lab mimics commercial food and beverage giants and formulates food, snacks, flavoured beverages, chews, gummies, etc. “You name it, we make it.”




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Today’s Task

What We did Today?

Coffee caviar   

Event: Today, I decided to formulate Coffee caviar

How I felt it (initially before executing the actual task): I love to formulate new and exciting products.

Actual Task: Product formulation  

What did I learn?

Coffee caviar can be best described as small spheres that add a different flavour and texture to desserts. Although it does not taste sweet, it adds a distinct flavour to the product where it is added, such as ice creams. The coffee caviar was formulated using the molecular gastronomy technique. The product was formulated once all the ingredients were collected, which were coffee, gelatin, sugar and cold oil. After formulation, the product was kept for shelf life analysis.


What I did Today

Q3 W7 T1

Image 1

Q3 W7 T2

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Q3 W7 T3

Image  3

Final image


A ready to eat coffee caviar was formulated at Food Research Lab, which brings out a distinct flavor and texture to desserts and milkshakes.

You Tube: 

What went well?

Since the product was formulated after several trials, it has an excellent sensory profile. Currently, we would like to conduct further trials to improve the product’s stability.

What could I have done better?

A better formulation with an improved shelf life could have been developed.
