Engagement Models

Engagement Models

Food Research Lab is committed in doing specific services or a complete idea to product development until scaling up for production.

Full-service food product development

We are equipped with facilities to develop a product that includes basic research, and pilot R&D. However, we help clients to identify vendors for commercial manufacturing.

Please contact Food Research Lab to discuss your requirements and we will provide you with a plan and detailed quotation for every stage.


Help with specific tasks

Developing a new product involves a number of different aspects in which you may require a specific service. For example, if your product is not achieving the right shelf life, you need to find a manufacturer, or you require help with labeling.

Contact Food Research Lab for a competitive quote for any of our specific services. We have experts to solve your problem quickly and efficiently.


Ad-hoc support

Our clients appreciate a service where we’re available to provide support or advice in an ad-hoc way. Accessing Food Research Lab’s experience – by phone, Skype, email or in-person – can be invaluable but cost-effective as you navigate your food product development. Expert advice is always valuable, as it can save your time and effort.

Contact us to discuss your Food Prototype Service needs.