Healthy Diet In Food Industry

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Healthy Diet In Food Industry

A healthy diet includes a range of nutritious foods from many dietary groups, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, grains and cereals (preferably wholegrains), proteins, dairy, and healthy fats. Most meals consumed today have been processed somehow, yet not all processed foods are equal. Fruit canned in fruit juice, for example, will be a better choice than fruit canned in sweet syrup. When chosen, carefully processed foods can thus be included in a healthy and balanced diet.

Frozen fruits and vegetables, for example, are less processed and provide essential sources of nourishment while also being more convenient and affordable. For busy persons with limited time, buying or cooking from fresh produce, chopped, frozen, and canned foods in natural juices (fruit) or water (veg or fish) are good options.

Processed meals with less fibre, greater levels of (saturated) fat, added sugar, and salt should only be consumed on rare occasions. Canned savoury meals and preserved meats, for example, are frequently heavy in salt. Similarly, it is beneficial to be aware of biscuits, chocolate bars, burgers, pizzas, and similar items and treat them as an occasional treat rather than a staple of our diet.

Food Research Lab
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