Food Research Lab > Blog  > New Food Product Development  > GLOBAL MARKET ANALYSIS ON PEPPER CONSUMPTION​



Pepper, also referred to as peppercorns, has been used since time immemorial as a spice and medicine and was used as an antiseptic to cure digestive and respiratory ailments. Black, white, red and green are the various types of pepper, and black pepper is the most common .[1] 

​Figure 1: Types of pepper

The first use of black pepper documents to about 2000 BC, in ancient Indian texts. It was exported to other countries such as Egypt and Italy. Due to the price of pepper, it was considered ‘black gold’ before the discovery of fossil fuels. The commercial value of pepper fell over the years due to newfound trade. Currently, pepper is the most consumed spice in the world, accounting for 30 -35% of the spice trade and is projected to rise. As a result, the cost of pepper has increased again due to increased consumption, which affects the market value. For instance, the black pepper market was valued at US$1.83 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach US$2.96 billion in 2029, at a 6.17% increase [2].


Factors affecting the consumption of pepper

As there is a growth of food industries and restaurants, there is also a growth in demand for pepper since it is used as a condiment. Another driver for pepper consumption is increased awareness of its health and cosmetic benefits, rendering it ubiquitous in every household [3]. The general population is mindful of the artificial additives used in food. This has led to a surge in food with black pepper as a flavouring agent. Since black pepper has provitamin A, it has gained an interest in the processing industries, wherein it finds its use as a fortifying agent. This also could increase the consumption of black pepper [4].

There is an increased trend of Do-it-Yourself (DIYs), where pepper is used as an exfoliant and hair mask for healthy skin and hair, and many consumers are using pepper for this purpose. The skin care industry is one of the fastest growing in the world, and black pepper demand is rising due to its antibacterial properties, which help treat and control acne. Black pepper also has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. Many people in western countries recognize the importance of traditional medicinal practices such as Ayurveda, and pepper is used in the preparation of medicines. There is an increase in pepper consumption by 3.1% in North America. [4] Piperine, the active component of pepper, is used along with Curcumin, the active ingredient of turmeric, to increase the absorption of the latter. This combination has many health benefits such as improved digestion, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Piperine is known to reduce free radical levels in the body.

Free radicals are the molecules that cause cell damage. Excess free radicals are linked to some cancers, ageing and cardiovascular disease. Pepper is highly loaded with antioxidants, which may delay or prevent free-radicals’ effects, thereby exhibiting anti-cancer properties. [1] The Nutraceutical industry may see this as an opportunity to use pepper as a nutraceutical product, thereby increasing the demand and subsequent consumption of pepper. Pepper oil is used by patients to curb nicotine cravings, and the increased manufacture of pepper sprays has also led to a growth in the pepper market[5].

The COVID-19 pandemic has witnessed a sharp increase in the consumption of pepper owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, and the spice was used to boost immunity due to its antimicrobial property[6].

Black pepper, the most common pepper variant, has numerous health benefits that have led to a surge in demand in various sectors, from food to nutraceutical to the cosmetic industry. Innovations in the preparation of food items, nutraceuticals and the cosmetic industry can enhance the consumption of black pepper more in future.

How Food Research Lab can help

The Food Research Lab is a global platform offering R&D services. We can help by identifying the variants of black pepper and choosing the best quality for food products, nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals by conducting market & consumer research.  The results obtained give a glance into scopes and growth of global markets.




Food Research Lab
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