Factors influencing shredded cheese market and intelligent packaging of cheese

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Factors influencing shredded cheese market and intelligent packaging of cheese


Cheese is a milk-derived product formed by curdling milk protein known as casein. Many types of cheese exist based on the animal whose milk was used, fat content, texture, manufacturing technique, duration of ageing, and region/ country from where it is derived. It would be surprising for all of us to know that the cheese making process is nothing new to mankind. It has been in practice for thousands of years. The main objective is the storage of milk for a longer duration [1.

Cheese is known to be a storehouse for nutrients like protein and calcium, necessary for strong bones and teeth and can be a source of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants that could benefit cardiovascular health. Cheese can also promote healthy bacteria in the digestive tract since it is a fermented food. Since it is rich in protein, it facilitates cell repair and the nutritional value of cheese based products depends on the type [2]. 

Previous research suggested that cheese is high in saturated fatty acids, which can predispose to non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular disease. However, the association between cheese and disease is unclear since the results vary depending on the type of cheese. Cheese has also been implicated as an allergen and a trigger for migraine [3]. Despite the health concerns, cheese is still one of the favourite ingredients consumed worldwide. Cheese is available in many shapes, like blocks, slices, and shreds, or it could be grated.

Shredded Cheese Market  

Shredded cheese is formed when the cheese passes through a device called a shredder to create strips of cheese called shreds. The shreds may be regular or fine, depending on the size of the holes of the shredder. [3] Softer varieties of cheese can be shredded, such as mozzarella, cheddar, parmesan or Swiss. Sometimes, different types of cheese are shredded and packaged together. Lowfat variants of Shredded Cheese are also available [4] .  The global shredded cheese market is expected to grow at a rate of 3.2% CAGR during 2021-2030[5]  . Listed below are many factors that caused this increase. 

Factors affecting the shredded cheese

  1. Versatility– Cheese adds flavour and taste to a plethora of dishes. Initially it was used for the preparation of pizzas, tacos, garlic bread and sandwiches.  Shredded cheese is relatively easier to use, which implies greater application as a topping for pizza and other food products[4] . 
  2. Increased consumption of pizza and ready to eat food has led to a rise in the consumption of shredded cheese[5].
  3. Type of Cheese used– Mozzarella is the most common type of shredded cheese due to its better taste, softness and melting properties[6 ].
  4. Evolving consumer preferencesAn increasing population of lactose intolerant individuals and a preference to opt for dairy-free products have opened the avenues for the development of vegan cheese shreds. An increasing number of health-conscious consumers have led to the development of low-fat cheese shreds[7] .

Active and intelligent packaging of Cheese

Cheese manufacturers have an interest in developing better packaging to retain the freshness of cheese. Conventionally used packaging items are resealable pouches using plastic. Smart packaging combines the principles of active and intelligent packaging.  The principle behind active packaging is that the components used in it are meant to prolong the shelf life by either releasing substances into the food product or absorbing substances from it to enhance the quality of the food. Intelligent packaging is relatively a new area of study that could give the status of the product. Indicators for expiry is one of the examples for intelligent packaging. This concept was initially instituted for fruits and vegetables, implying that there is a huge opportunity for its use in dairy products, including cheese[8].


Cheese, especially shredded cheese, is a versatile ingredient used in many dishes. Its use is increasing globally. Smart packaging that includes active and intelligent can help extend the shelf life of shredded cheese made from softer cheese rich in moisture.  

At food research lab, numerous products are developed after a series of trials to ensure that the end product is of the utmost quality. In addition, we help in packaging of formulated products that can help retain the texture, flavour and taste along with extending the shelf life.   

Food Research Lab
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