What makes Food Research Lab suitable for conducting Veterinary Research?

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Veterinary research

What makes Food Research Lab suitable for conducting Veterinary Research?

Clinical Trials for Pet Food products and Supplements
In today’s world, where pet food, dietary supplements and nutraceuticals are increasingly in demand, the role of clinical trial management cannot be emphasised enough, which help determine the safety and efficacy and provide scientific evidence for the claims of the products. The clinical trial method for pet food and supplements, which is a component of veterinary research, is very similar to that of human supplements. Preclinical studies, which include laboratory testing and animal studies, are the first step in the process. The product is then tested on a group of animals under controlled conditions in clinical testing. Post marketing surveillance is the final stage, which involves monitoring the product after it has been launched in the market.
Before proceeding with the clinical trials, pet food and nutraceutical industries should consider partnering with a Contract Research Organisation (CRO).  A CRO is in charge of conducting the clinical trial, managing the data, and verifying that the trial is carried out in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Why Food Research Lab for Clinical Trials for Veterinary Products?

Food Research Lab is a global Contract Research Organisation (CRO) that offers clinical trials for pet food and dietary supplements. The types of studies conducted include animal-specific safety and tolerance trials, dose-determination studies and acceptance trials. The following section discusses why Food Research Lab is the perfect fit for veterinary clinical trials for pet food and supplements:

Food Research Lab Specialisation in animal nutrition
Food Research Lab has experts well-versed in a wide range of active ingredients and bioactive compounds that have beneficial effects on the target animals. Their knowledge ensures that the veterinary clinical trials are conducted with precision, focussing on the health benefits and safety of the products.

Experience in research
The team at Food Research Lab has a vast experience in carrying out research, including proof of concept and laboratory-based studies and models, which are quintessential to developing high-quality products. Moreover, the team supports a step-by-step approach for formulating products, which helps increase the chances of the products’ success.

State-of-art facility
Food Research Lab has a facility specifically dedicated for veterinary research. Facilities designated for animal housing, activity and treatment are present, along with a pathology and laboratory facilities, which support research for pet food products and nutraceuticals.

Customised services
Customised and flexible studies are offered in Food Research Lab, which aim to achieve client’s objectives within the stipulated time. Furthermore, the team assists with providing high-quality data and concise reports.

Adherence to regulations
Food Research Lab has a team of professionals that are well-versed in the complex regulatory landscape for pet food and dietary supplements. Navigating these regulatory hurdles is critical for ensuring that the products fulfil industry standards and adhere to applicable regulations, like the EU regulations for pet food additives. The businesses can be rest assured that the clinical trials will be done in accordance with regulatory requirements with the help of Food Research Lab.

Clinical trials play a pivotal role in establishing the safety and efficacy of pet food products and dietary supplements, ensuring they meet industry standards. Choosing a reputable Contract Research Organisation (CRO) is crucial for conducting clinical trials. With a specific focus on animal nutrition, extensive research experience, state-of-the-art facilities dedicated to veterinary research, and tailored services, Food Research Lab is best suited for conducting clinical trials. Moreover, the adherence to regulatory requirements ensures a smooth product launch, paving the road to success.

How Food Research Lab Global Contract R&D can help
At Food Research Lab, we assist pet food and supplement industries with the design and implementation of Clinical Trials. We provide experienced advice on research design and protocols, ensuring that every aspect of the trial is properly planned and carried out. All our animal studies follow the concepts of Good Laboratory Practices (GLP), ensuring that the study is handled in a methodical manner and that the rules are followed, ensuring that the products are safe and effective.

Food Research Lab
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