The EU Regulations on Pet food additives
Additives are widely used in processed pet food to provide nutritional benefits, ensure food safety, and maintain desirable characteristics such as colour, flavour, texture, stability and resistance to spoilage. There is a growing concern regarding the use of food additives in human and pet food products, that led to the implementation of regulations.
- The EU has laid regulations regarding additives in pet food. Pet food additives must be mentioned on the product label. However, substances classified as “processing aids” or compounds transferring to food from equipment or packaging need not be specified.
- When genetically modified enzymes are used but remain “undetectable” in the end product, animal-based meals can be designated as GM-free.
- According to the European Pet Food Industry Federation’s Code of Good Labelling Practice for Pet Food, there is no requirement to disclose additives with no legal maximum limit.
- Additives of the functional groups “preservatives,” “antioxidants,” “flavourings,” and “colourants” do not need to be reported by name but can be declared by the functional group. This is true even if the additive amount exceeds the suggested maximum level [1].