The approval of non-specified foods and food ingredients in India

Interesting News April 19, 2023

The approval of non-specified foods and food ingredients in  India  

In India, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has established a process for the approval of non-specified food and food ingredients. This process is known as the “Food Approval System” and applies to foods and food ingredients not covered under the Food Safety and Standards Act or its regulations. 

Some types of non-specified food are: 

  • Novel food/ Novel food ingredients 
  • New additives 
  • New technology, including enzymes 
  • Food or its constituents that have been extracted from microorganisms [1] 

Method for approval of non-specified food- 

  1. Under this system, a company or individual seeking approval for a non-specified food or ingredient must apply the FSSAI.  
  2. The application must include detailed information about the food or ingredient, including its composition, intended use, safety data, and other relevant information.  
  3. The FSSAI will review the application and may require additional information or testing before deciding. 
  4. If the FSSAI approves the non-specified food or ingredient, it will issue an approval certificate with specific conditions for its use. The certificate is valid for a specific period and may be subject to renewal or modification.  
  5. However, it is important to note that the FSSAI may revoke an approval certificate if it determines that the food or ingredient is no longer safe or suitable for its intended use [2].