The history of food regulations in India can be traced back to the mid-20th century. The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA) was enacted in 1954 to regulate food safety and prevent adulteration and was amended in 1964, 1976, and 1986 to strengthen its provisions.
In 2006, the Food Safetyand Standards Act (FSSA) was introduced, which consolidated and replaced several food-related laws and regulations. The FSSA established the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) as the apex regulatory body responsible for ensuring food safety and regulating food product sales, distribution, storage, manufacture, distribution, and import.
The FSSAI lays down regulations for the accreditation of certification bodies that certify food safety management for food businesses.
FSSAI is the main body that is concerned with the regulation to establish the standards related to food production.
It collects data about the incidence and prevalence of biological risk and food contamination.
It is involved in creating an information network so that consumers can access rapid and reliable information concerning food safety.
Since its introduction, the FSSA has been amended several times to keep up with changing foodsafety concerns and regulatory needs. The latest amendment was made in 2021 to expand the scope of the FSSA and improve food safety and quality standards. Today, the FSSAI plays a crucial role in ensuring that the food consumed by Indians is safe and of good quality [1].