A legal framework has been established in the EU for ensuring that the development of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) occurs in safe conditions.
The objectives of this framework are:
The protection of human and animal health and the environment. Safety assessments achieve this objective before any GMO is introduced into the market. The EU considers the short- and long-term impacts of GMOs in the assessments.
Establishing harmonised procedures. Harmonised procedures enable efficient, transparent and timely risk assessment and GMO authorisation.
Ensure clear labelling of GMOs. Labelling helps consumers and professionals like farmers and food chain operators make informed choices.
Ensure the traceability of GMOs in the market [1]. In addition, the EU takes measures to improve the enforcement of the framework and authorisation of GMOs. Continuous developments in knowledge and scientific procedures are considered whenever the assessments are made. This is especially regarding the protection of the environment.
The EU insists that the authority should gather and analyze research findings regarding the risk or danger GMOs pose to human health or the environment and notify the risk managers of any emerging risks, given the significance of scientific evidence in making decisions regarding the prohibition or approval of GMOs. Therefore, the general public should have access to this data [2].